jueves, 15 de diciembre de 2016

Zoltán Gazdag > Waterbase in Gödör: “The Pit”

| Zoltán Gazdag
| 2016 | PFC | University of Pécs
| Professors : Marcel Ferencz and Krisztián Kovács-Andor

Cibakháza is my hometown, located in the Northern Great Plain (Észak-Alföld) of central Hungary, in the Pannonian Basin (Kárpát-medence). The village has almost a thousand years of history. The vast majority of the population is employed in agriculture. Tisza is the main river of this region and its 16 km long backwater provides the most significant water supply for the flowering agriculture.
The ecosytem of the region shows wild variety of animals and plants and part of it belongs to the Hortobágyi National Park which is the first and largest protected area in Hungary. Due to the natural erosion and the agricultural activities the ecosystem of the backwater is in danger. The population lives in poor conditions; in lack of capital and external support they are unable to deal with the problem. The village is trying to maintain and protect the backwater. Based on previous studies, the only way for protection is a complex solution aligning the interests of agriculture, wildlife management and tourism. The design elaborated in my thesis aims to revive the lakeshore area called „Gödör” (the „Pit”) as a kayak-canoe club. This could be the first investment drawing people’s attention to this valuable natural region, building on the fact that Hungarians have outstanding results in rowing sports worldwide.

By 2020 the government contributes with significant subsidies to improve, renovate and establish kayak-canoe sport clubs in rural Hungary.

The designed building complex could serve purposes of sport activities, tourism and accommodation The architectural program was defined with the support of the local council to ensure the all-year use of the complex.
The current area of the land is not sufficient to accomodate the contemplated functions, so – in line with the original plans of the local council – the neighbouring building plot is also included in the design. Consequently the implementation of the design is divided into two phases, with each phase being feasible separately.
The concept is based on a threefold functionality. The area is divided into three garden sections by the three building complexes. Each of these has its own specific function.
The area between the boat storage and the gym is for boat cleaning and maintenance. Events and award ceremonies can be organized in the central courtyard, accordingly the club house is directly linked to this space.
In the third section a small football field will be created: an ideal place for trainings and teambuilding events.

How to enter the site
The three entries of the area have different functions. The northern path leads to the future walkway on the waterfront, which the village has been planning to create for a while.
This walkway would link the area with a small old bridge which also has an important role in the history of the town. It would ne a short walkway, however, could be the first step of creating a longer waterfront walkway.
The central gate could be used by the club members and people who are engaged in sport.
The southern gate has supporting functions. This section has a small parking space for club and personnel vehicles, buses, boat trailers, etc. There is a special trail designed to transport the boats from the gate to the boat storage.

The designed building complex considers the particular tectonics of the land plot determined by the backwater and the waterfront. The three separated sections compose one unit, fitting perfectly in the structure of the town and the architectural view of neighbouring side streets.
The waterfront is surrounded by grey locust trees which inspired the facade of the building complex: the walls will be decorated with the same locust pattern.
















Esta entrada aparece primero en HIC Arquitectura http://hicarquitectura.com/2016/12/zoltan-gazdag-waterbase-in-godor-the-pit/

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