lunes, 27 de agosto de 2018

Peter Kunz Architektur mit Atelier Strut > Casa da Ping

Font: Peter Kunz Architektur mit Atelier Strut
Photo: Claudia Luperto

With the desire for a spacious house in the mountain village of Flims a private building owners gave us a delightful building task. The result is a hideaway for the entire extended family (4 families, 3 generations under one roof) with a common zone for cooking and eating on the one hand and with private retreat for any family on the other hand.
 A long-drawn, bent plot with a striking rock in the southwest defines the place. The surrounding area consists of residential buildings in the Engadine style – among others the buildings of Rudolf Olgiati characterize the neighborhood. The Flimserstein, a mountain range in north view, dominates the panorama of the surrounding mountains.
Our urbanistic claim was to create a building that complements the found small spatial situation and integrates unobtrusively into the surrounding area in its morphology.
Inspired by the rawness of the mountain environment, the exterior walls were cast from insulating concrete that give the building an authentic directness. The equal treatment of wall surfaces inside and outside with a rough-sawn boards structure underlines the homogeneity and gives the construction a haptic and sensual touch. A feeling of security and protection sets itself inside. The massiveness of the exterior walls, up to 80 cm Misapor is particularly experienced by the funnel-shaped openings. The rock-like, rough external appearance is continued in the interior. The twisting of the individual chamber geometries creates different sized chambers with diagonal visual relationships. Precise placed openings that vary in size, align the focus once to the near surrounding, sometimes into the distance. The views are cut as landscape paintings in the outer wall. The result is a façade composition which corresponds to the complex internal space. The projecting gable roof rests as a delicate protective coat over the concrete volume.






Esta entrada aparece primero en HIC Arquitectura

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