jueves, 10 de septiembre de 2020

BAST > M21 dépendance. Toulouse

Source: BAST
Photography: BAST

construction of fences integrating a semi underground dependency in bottom of parcel: housing / workshop and buanderie
_masonry fence defining a semi-buried outbuilding at the bottom of a plot: room / workshop and cellar
cast-in-place concrete casing, high concrete slab floor, galvanized steel half-girder frame, galvanized steel deck and ceiling, wood wool insulation, 37.5 mm monomur brick elevations, galvanized steel joinery set consisting of 5 fixed windows, 2 French opening and 2 opening in projection_cast in place concrete tanking, concrete slab, galvanized half porticos frames, corugated galvanized steel roof and ceiling, woodwool insulation, Monomur brick walls, galvanized steel windows frames composed of 5 fixed glass, 2 «à la française» doors and 2 projection windows_
sanded concrete, monomur bricks, birch plywood, galvanized steel and glass_sanded concrete, monomur walls, plywood birch, galvanized steel and glass.

























Esta entrada aparece primero en HIC Arquitectura http://hicarquitectura.com/2020/09/bast-m21-dependance-toulouse/

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