jueves, 18 de agosto de 2016

2b architectes > School and Municipal Centre

Source: 2b architectes

Photo: Matthieu Gafsou ©; Roger Frei ©

The design goes beyond simply extending the school building. Instead, it strengthens the character and status of the existing system as a public space, a school and a municipal center. The building acts in the spirit of a “vertical network structure” by playing with the special topography of the area to connect the existing levels and uses. It is complemented by extended pathways in the exterior area. These new connections spatially reorder access to the school premises and create additional exterior spaces. The covered playground now acts as the main entrance to the school facing the village. The new section picks up on the formal and material vocabulary of the existing building and presents itself as a large grid of raw concrete with a mineral quality. This automatic form results from the defining dimensions of the existing building, with its different floor heights. The project complements the different levels of the older building and connects it with the new section. The façade – both visually transparent and a stage of constant change – plays on presenting an element of everyday domestic life: the curtain, which can be alternately perceived as a veil, light protection and as an element that has been set in motion.















Collège et centre communal / Schulhaus und Gemeindezentrum / School and Municipal Centre

Concours / Wettbewerb / Competition: 2007, 1er rang / 1. Rang / 1st Rank

Réalisation / Ausführung / Construction: 2012-2014

Maître de l’ouvrage / Bauherr / Client: Commune de Belmont-sur-Lausanne

Team 2b: S.Bender, Ph.Béboux, F.Ferrari, F.Seydoux, G.Warnking, T.Auffret-Postel, F.Ben-Amor,
S.Van Caenegen, A.Clement, S.Grimm, A.Lemarinier, A.Hasoo, J.Deppermann, D.Minguet,
L.Nemec, K.Tran, L.Maccioni, V.Weibel, V.Beltrami, F.Köhli

Direction des travaux / Bauleitung / Construction management: Regtec SA, Lausanne

Ingénieur civil / Bauingenieur / Structural engineer: INGPHI, Lausanne

Ingénieur physique / Bauphysiker / Building physicist: BG Bonnard & Gardel, Lausanne

Ingénieur acoustique / Akustikingenieur / Acoustic engineer: Bernard Braune, Binz

Ingénieur façadier / Fassadeningenieur / Building enveloppe engineer: BCS, Neuchâtel

Ingénieur électricité / Elektroingenieur / E engineer: Scherler, Le Mont-sur-Lausanne

Ingénieur CVS / HLS Ingenieur / Engineer MEP: BG Bonnard & Gardel, Lausanne

Ingénieur éclairagiste / Lichtingenieur / Lighting engineer: Aebischer & Bovigny, Lausanne

Architecte paysagiste / Landschaftsarchitektin / Landscape architect: Cécile Albana Presset,

Photos / Fotos / Photographs: Roger Frei, Zürich; Matthieu Gafsou, Lausanne

Adresse / Adresse / Address: Chemin du Collège 6, 1092 Belmont-sur-Lausanne, CH

Données techniques / Technische Angaben

Selon norme SIA 416 / nach SIA 416 Normen

Surface de terrain (ST) / Grundstücksfl.che (GSF): 12’636 m2

Surface de plancher totale (SP) / Geschossfläche (GF): 2’530 m2

Surface de plancher nette (SPN) / Nettogeschossfläche (NGF): 2’066 m2

Surface de construction (SC) / Konstruktionsfläche (KF): 464 m2

Surface utile (SU) / Nutzfläche (NF): 1’320 m2

Volume bâti (VB) / Gebäudevolumen (GV): 13’697 m3

Capacité totale nombre d’élèves (salles de classes + réfectoire + uape) / Totalanzahl Schüler
(Schulräume + Essraum + uape): 265

Esta entrada aparece primero en HIC Arquitectura http://hicarquitectura.com/2016/08/2b-architectes-school-and-municipal-centre/

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