lunes, 30 de octubre de 2017

iluminar un comedor

8 Lighting Ideas For Above Your Dining Table // A Single Pendant Light -- They come in such a huge variety of sizes, shapes, colors, finishes, and sub-styles.

Muchas veces cuando pensamos en como iluminar nuestro comedor, nos viene a la mente una luz focal central, que cuelga en el medio de la mesa y en donde solamente debes escoger qué tipo de pantalla ha de tener la lámpara. Pero existen distintas teorias; la luz colgante única, los tres puntos, los cinco puntos o ‘the cluster’.

8 Lighting Ideas For Above Your Dining Table // A Single Pendant Light -- They come in such a huge variety of sizes, shapes, colors, finishes, and sub-styles.

En la vertiente de una única luz colgante, sucede lo que estábamos relatando al principio. Se utiliza un punto para iluminar nuestra mesa de forma central, creando un punto focal central. Se trata de la opción clásica, como utilizando el mítico candelabro colgante, la araña o algún tipo de lámpara escultórica.

8 Lighting Ideas For Above Your Dining Table // Three Pendant Lights -- If you're going to have more than one similar thing grouped together, stick to odd numbers. In keeping with this rule, using three pendant lights above your dining table creates a more dynamic look than just a single one, but still keeps it simple enough to hang above your everyday dining table.

8 Lighting Ideas For Above Your Dining Table // Three Pendant Lights -- If you're going to have more than one similar thing grouped together, stick to odd numbers. In keeping with this rule, using three pendant lights above your dining table creates a more dynamic look than just a single one, but still keeps it simple enough to hang above your everyday dining table.

La teoria de los tres puntos, es una evolución de la clásica luz colgante. Se trata de iluminar de manera efectiva nuestra mesa, utilizando tres lámparas del mismo estilo, pueden ser el mismo modelo colgado a distintas alturas o alineadas a la perfección. También se pueden utilizar modelos de la misma familia pero con distintas formas que darán un plus distintivo a nuestra iluminación.

8 Lighting Ideas For Above Your Dining Table // Three Pendant Lights -- If you're going to have more than one similar thing grouped together, stick to odd numbers. In keeping with this rule, using three pendant lights above your dining table creates a more dynamic look than just a single one, but still keeps it simple enough to hang above your everyday dining table.

8 Lighting Ideas For Above Your Dining Table // Three Pendant Lights -- If you're going to have more than one similar thing grouped together, stick to odd numbers. In keeping with this rule, using three pendant lights above your dining table creates a more dynamic look than just a single one, but still keeps it simple enough to hang above your everyday dining table.

En la teoria de los cinco puntos, buscamos aumentar la iluminación por igual a toda la mesa. No dejar que la iluminación sea central. Como vemos de un punto pasamos a tres y de tres a cinco, nos olvidamos de los números pares, ya que s busca tener un eje central y que no quede una simetría monótona.

8 Lighting Ideas For Above Your Dining Table // Five Pendant Lights -- Hanging five pendant lights is a unique way to add a light source above your dining room table. It ensures that everyone at the table will be able to see their plates and adds a slightly more dramatic look to your space than one or even three pendant lights would.

Y por último ‘the cluster’. ‘The cluster’ es el ramo; se trata de juntar un gran grupo de luminarias y situarlas a distintas alturas y así crear una forma de iluminar nuestra mesa original y con estilo. Y como dice la norma no escrita, intentaremos que el número de lámparas sea siempre impar.

8 Lighting Ideas For Above Your Dining Table // Cluster -- Hanging a number of lights together in a cluster is a super efficient way to illuminate your dining room table. You can choose exactly how many bulbs you want to include in your cluster and how spread out they are, allowing them to be a customizable interior design feature and a practical lighting solution.

8 Lighting Ideas For Above Your Dining Table // Cluster -- Hanging a number of lights together in a cluster is a super efficient way to illuminate your dining room table. You can choose exactly how many bulbs you want to include in your cluster and how spread out they are, allowing them to be a customizable interior design feature and a practical lighting solution.

8 Lighting Ideas For Above Your Dining Table // Cluster -- Hanging a number of lights together in a cluster is a super efficient way to illuminate your dining room table. You can choose exactly how many bulbs you want to include in your cluster and how spread out they are, allowing them to be a customizable interior design feature and a practical lighting solution.

La entrada iluminar un comedor aparece primero en Estudio de interiorismo y arquitectura en Barcelona.

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